Single or Double Anti Slip Stair Nosing

Slippery Stairs

Stair nosing put simply, is a slip-proof sheet of metal with a grip fitting, placed firmly along the length of each stair. These protective sheets provide additional grip while also clearly marking the edge of each step. Anti-slip stair nosing is available in single, or double and similar products include our grip kit and anti-slip tapes.

In all contract flooring situations, the fitting of suitable stair nosing (stair edging) is recommended. Anti-slip stair nosing is designed to suit many step profiles and they act as a safety feature on stairways by highlighting the nose of each step. They also protect staircases and floor coverings from wear and tear. Our anti slip stair nosing products are suitable for tiled steps (porcelain or ceramic), carpeted stairs and even wood, marble or granite staircases.

  • Used on steps where an edge protection is required.
  • Offers a non-trip/slip finish
  • Provides a neat finish to all stairway systems
  • Has a rebate in insert for easy fixing
  • Variety of insert colours
  • Can be used in conjunction with photo-luminescent tape to allow for easy exit
  • Corporate colours available for orders in excess of 900m
  • Carpet strips can be used instead of vinyl inserts
  • Available with a grit insert

If there is anything you need to know regarding non-slip floor products and floor safety then we have a whole list of articles dedicated to the subject.

Non-slip and anti-slip floor coatings are affordable and world-leading flooring solutions for slip prevention and general floor safetySlip No More strives to deliver only the best non-slip and slip prevention products, applications and solutions – either at home, in the workplace, or for industrial and commercial use.

If you have your own slip-and-fall story to share with us then you can do so either by using the #SlipNoMore hash-tag on Twitter or by following Slip No More on Facebook.

If you need more information, or free advice on how to prevent slips and falls, improve floor safety and make your business or home a safer place then give us a call on 010 595 9663 or send us an e-mail.