Anti-slip Flooring Products and Non-Slip Coatings for your Business

Our product range of slip prevention products is designed to increase the slip resistance of your floor at your home, office, factory as well as the supermarket and shopping mall, Slip prevention products are a crucial factor to consider in these environments. We specialise in anti-slip flooring products for tiles as well as non-slip coatings for any kind of surface. These products and other slip prevention products can be applied to flat surfaces as well as ramps, loading bays and stairs. There is no area too difficult for us to apply our slip prevention products. We have loads of product demonstration videos on our Youtube Channel for you to view

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Product Categories

The aim of Slip No More Slip Prevention Products is to dramatically decrease the chance of slipping on a floor in the wet or the dry. Different products are suited to different areas as well as different conditions.

There are many different environments where our slip prevention products can be used, we have identified 6 key areas that rely on anti-slip flooring products and non-slip coatings in order to ensure the safety of their patrons, customers, and clients.

Anti Slip Flooring Products in Care Facilities

Hospitals – Nursing Homes – Long Term Care – Retirement living

Facilities designed for the care, treatment and well-being of its clients, including the safety of the staff and visitors are faced with the need to provide a safe, accessible environment. Adopting practices such that will support systematic and consistent approaches to providing quality care also requires specific attention to their floors. There are many different anti-slip flooring products treatments and non-slip coatings that are available and can be applied by qualified technicians and in some cases by in-house maintenance departments. It is never too late to adopt a range of our anti slip products in this environment.

Many staff, patients, residents and visitors are injured annually due to slips and falls on walking and working surfaces. These surfaces range from tiled entrances and stairs to ramps and emergency exits and if there were proper anti-slip products applied to the floor injuries would be dramatically decreased. These injuries account for a significant percentage of lost-injuries and account for much and suffering and sometimes even death. It is important to understand how slips, trips and falls happen when there are no anti-slip Products installed as well as how to identify hazards and how to eliminate or minimise these hazards. Slip No More‘s range of slip prevention products for floor surfaces exceed the minimum floor safety requirements and can increase the floor safety in almost every environment imaginable. It is easy to beat the odds when anti-slip products are applied.

Non-Slip Coatings in Sports & Entertainment Venues

Fitness Facilities – Stadiums – Arenas – Theatres – Cinemas – Pools

Sports and Entertainment facilities provide a wide range of environments for its clientele. From playing surfaces, spectator areas and, stairs, to refreshment and restroom facilities. These facilities are faced with the need to provide a safe, accessible environment for staff and visitors alike. Specific attention to their floor surfaces is integral in this task. Non-slip coatings are hard wearing and crucial in this environment.

Slips happen because a lack of friction and traction between footwear and the walking surface especially when there are no Non-slip coatings applied, Some common causes of slips are:

  • Spills
  • Hazards created from the weather (eg. Puddles, snow & ice)
  • Surfaces that are wet or oily
  • Loose rugs or mats

Statistically, slips, trips, and falls are the most common cause of workplace injury. However, they are also among the easiest to prevent by simply contacting a company that can apply non-slip coatings

Anti-Slip Products for Educational Facility Flooring

Universities – Colleges – Elementary & Secondary Schools

Creating and sustaining a healthy environment for students includes maintenance of a safe, accessible environment in which to learn. Attention Slip Prevention products for floors is a primary step in providing such an environment.

Slips happen due to not applying slip prevention products applied which cause a lack of friction or traction between footwear and the walking surface. The most common cause of slips and falls where there are no Slip Prevention Products applied are:

  • Liquid spills by staff or students
  • Hazards created from the elements such as rain and snow
  • Wet and oily surfaces
  • Obstacles that are in the way of pedestrian traffic

Education workplaces currently experience the greatest number of critical injuries within the educational sector. The most common cause of these injuries are caused by slips and falls on flat surfaces and can easily be avoided by getting in touch with a company that applies Slip Prevention Products.

Slip Prevention Products for the Commercial and Industrial markets

Offices – Factories – Plants – Airports

Productivity in the workplace is first and foremost in making your business successful. Providing a safe environment for your workforce as well as any visiting clients by means of Slip Prevention Products is integral in ensuring high productivity is maintained. This includes specific attention to the floors and stairways of your facilities, areas where Slip Prevention Products should be mandatory.

Many staff are injured annually due to falls on walking and working surfaces that don’t have Slip Prevention Products applied. These injuries account for a significant percentage of lost time injuries and account for much pain and suffering as well as death. It is important to understand how slips and falls happen, how to identify hazards and how to eliminate or minimize these hazards.

  • Each year there are approximately 17 000 lost hours due to injuries caused by falls on the workplace according to the nfsi
  • 65% of fall-related injuries are from the same level (flat surfaces)
  • 80 workers are injured every day because of a slip, trip or fall – that’s 1 every 20min
  • An average WSIB claim is $11 771. Factor in other costs like productivity and staff replacement and the cost can be up to four times more (approximately $59 000 per injury)

Slip Prevention Products are readily available from many different suppliers, we carry a wide range of Slip Prevention Products which include anti-slip flooring and non-slip coatings. For more examples of Commercial Projects that we have worked on, click here

Anti Slip Treatments for Retail Stores

Shopping Malls – Shops – Stores – Plazas

Creating a welcoming and safe shopping experience is integral to building a successful business.

Providing a safe environment for your customers, as well as your staff by means of applying anti-slip flooring is a key aspect to accomplishing such. With the varied weather conditions of our climate and its changing seasons, specific attention to the floors and stairways of your facilities is very important, careful attention to anti-slip flooring should be paid. Many customers and staff alike are injured annually due to falls on walking and working surfaces that don’t have anti-slip flooring on their floors. These injuries account for a significant percentage of lost time injuries, and much pain and suffering and sometimes even death. It is important to understand how slips and falls happen; how to identify hazards and how to eliminate or minimize these hazards, as well as their impending costs and insurance claims. Often, these accidents are easily avoided by applying an anti-slip flooring to the floors.

By applying anti-slip flooring products or non-slip coatings customers in retail stores will have a pleasurable shopping experience.

Slip Prevention in the Hospitality Industry

Restaurants – Eateries – Pubs – Hotels – Motels

Hospitality establishments providing meals, refreshments, drinks or accommodation create an atmosphere for their patrons of comfort and satisfaction, what they don’t provide is the surety that slip prevention products have been applied at their properties. This includes the need to provide a safe, accessible environment. Creating this environment requires specific attention to floors and stairways. Slips, trips and falls happen due to a lack of friction or traction between the footwear we are wearing and the walking surface, they also happen due to no Slip Prevention Products having been applied. Some common causes of slips are:

  • Spills
  • Hazards created from the weather (e.g. rain, snow, ice, etc.)
  • Surfaces that are wet or oily
  • Loose rugs or mats

We encourage all safety officers, restaurant and & hotel managers, and floor maintenance companies to evaluate our range of Slip Prevention Products, and learn about our anti-slip flooring products and how they can be applied to reduce slippery floors within your industry.