A home should be both beautiful & safe. We visited this Johannesburg home to see what Anti-Slip Flooring Products best suited their needs.

We love making the world a safer place for all. That’s why when we visited this Johannesburg residence we didn’t settle for anything less than the best. We’re proud to say that this home has Anti-Slip Flooring Products installed is officially protected by Slip No More! #SlipNoMore

One of our Floor Safety Experts visited the home. We always try to get a good understanding of a customer’s needs so we can make the best possible non-slip recommendations and transform their slippery floors into Anti-Slip Floors.

Here Was Our Solution for Anti Slip Floors:

  • On arrival the first thing we noticed was the size & diversity of the area. We needed to treat 200sqm on the outside of the house. Floor specifications ranged from open areas to stairways and all of them needed to be changed to Anti-Slip Floors. We decided to provide one universal treatment for the entire area – our anti-slip clear coatings. These coatings cover the area with a micro-beaded layer that actually increases the grip potential of the floor. This results in added traction on both wet or dry floors.
Anti Slip Floors Slip No More
Anti Slip Floors Slip No More

We also recommend our DIY Kits for easy non slip floor safety home applications.

If there is anything you need to know regarding anti slip floors and floor safety then we have a whole list of articles dedicated to the subject.

Non slip and anti slip floor coatings are affordable and world leading flooring solutions for slip prevention and general floor safety – Slip No More strives to deliver only the best anti slip floors and slip prevention products, applications and solutions – either at home, in the workplace, or for industrial and commercial use.

If you have your own slip-and-fall story to share with us then you can do so either by using the #SlipNoMore hash-tag on Twitter or by following Slip No More on Facebook.

If you need more information, or free advice on how to prevent slips and falls, improve floor safety and make your business or home a safer place then give us a call on 010 595 9663 or send us an e-mail.