Home is where the heart is. It’s where we put our feet up & relax. Having an effective anti slip treatment can keep your home beautiful & safe.

It is common for slip & fall accidents to happen at home. That’s why we always recommend treating your floors before accidents happen. Prevention is better than cure. Here is one Johannesburg home that we visited. We’re glad to say they’re now Slip No More covered! #SlipNoMore

A Floor Safety Expert got in touch to assess the situation. The home owner wanted to treat an outside patio, as well as two bathroom areas. After an obligation-free quote we were able to provide the best possible non slip solution.

Here Was Our Anti Slip Treatment Recommendation:

  • For exterior areas it’s best to use our non slip coatings for tiles (ceramic or porcelain). These treatments are easy to maintain & last for many years. The treatment creates a layer of added traction that’s effective whether wet or dry.
  • We used the same anti slip treatment in the bathrooms. First we cleaned then applied the treatment. Within minutes the floors are safer than they’ve ever been.
Anti Slip Treatment Slip No More
Anti Slip Treatment

We also recommend our DIY Kits for easy non slip floor safety home applications.

If there is anything you need to know regarding a anti slip treatment & floor safety then we have a whole list of articles dedicated to the subject.

Non slip & anti slip floor coatings are affordable & world leading flooring solutions for slip prevention and general floor safety – Slip No More strives to deliver only the best anti slip floors and slip prevention products, applications & solutions – either at home, in the workplace, or for industrial and commercial use.

If you have your own slip-and-fall story to share with us then you can do so either by using the #SlipNoMore hash-tag on Twitter or by following Slip No More on Facebook.

If you need more information, or free advice on how to prevent slips & falls, improve floor safety & make your business or home a safer place then give us a call on 010 595 9663 or send us an e-mail.