Wimpy Gold Reef City needed reliable non slip coatings to keep their customers safe. As industry leaders in floor safety we knew exactly what to do.

Wimpy Gold Reef City Non Slip Coatings Slip No More

Wimpy Non Slip Coatings

Wimpy is a well-known South African brand. An awesome place to get lunch or treat the family to a meal and waffles. Wimpy Golf Reef City in the south of Johannesburg wanted to offer their customers more than just a fun time and good food. They wanted to ensure that all their customers were safe during their visit.

They decided to get in touch with Slip No More to see what non slip coatings and solutions we could offer. After a quick and obligation free assessment of the situation and their needs we were able to offer the best possible non slip solution. Next time you visit Wimpy Gold Reef City you can be sure that they are Slip-No-More-Covered! #SlipNoMore

Here Were Our Non Slip Coatings Recommendations:

  • Wimpy’s primary concern was the main entrance to the restaurant. The tiled surface required a durable non slip product that would provide maximum safety. We first cleaned the floor of any loose dirt and debris, then applied our trusted non slip Grip Kit. Grip kits offer superior slip protection on dry or wet floors and are both affordable and long-lasting.

We also recommend our DIY Kits for easy non slip floor safety home applications.

If there is anything you need to know regarding non slip coatings, floor products and floor safety then we have a whole list of articles dedicated to the subject.

Non slip and anti slip floor coatings are affordable and world leading flooring solutions for slip prevention and general floor safetySlip No More strives to deliver only the best non slip and slip prevention products, applications and solutions – either at home, in the workplace, or for industrial and commercial use.

If you have your own slip-and-fall story to share with us then you can do so either by using the #SlipNoMore hash-tag on Twitter or by following Slip No More on Facebook.

 If you need more information, or free advice on how to prevent slips and falls, improve floor safety and make your business or home a safer place then give us a call on 010 595 9663 or send us an e-mail.