Be it a large business a small business or a domestic setting slipping can be one of the most calamitous occurrences. In the working place, anti-slip flooring is a must given the fact that your companies productivity depends on it. One slip and not only have you temporarily/permanently lost the services of a staff member but one could find themselves in hot water should a paying customer endure such an ordeal on under your care. Contrary to popular belief it’s not just wet floors that contribute to slips but poor maintenance and cleaning habits too. Anti-slip flooring from Slip No More doesn’t just give businesses and individuals a fighting chance, its effective nature swings the odds in the favor of those smart enough to use it. Are you worried about ceramic tiles? Porcelain? Fear not, because our products are engineered to make any and all surfaces safe and tenable!

Anti-slip Coating for Anti-slip Flooring.

Our anti-slip coating presents customers with an opportunity to apply a product to their surfaces that works tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure their safety. Our products are built to last at least 3-5 years depending on the setting involved with their use. although our anti-slip coating products are perfectly engineered premium quality works of art, they are also easily applicable in a DIY manner making them the perfect acquisition for the homeowner concerned about the safety of his or her family. The anti-slip coating will not impair the aesthetic value and appeal of your surfaces, if anything, applying our coating will serve to preserve their shine and twinkle! Do you have toddlers in your home? If so please have a look at some of the horrific statistics available online

Slips and falls in the tub and shower are sending injured U.S. kids to the emergency room at a surprising rate — 120 daily — with most injuries occurring in children under 4 years old, a new study finds.

Extract taken from Livescience

Contact us

Our Non-Slip products have been carefully manufactured to increase resistance across our customer’s floors. These products were for owners of shopping malls, gyms, offices, homes and other places where the threat of falling is real. In the working place, it’s often incidents such as slips resulting in injury that prompt civil suits. In the domestic setting toddlers and small children are particularly vulnerable to slips and falls. Our products represent a way to think forward and our business has grown in an exponential manner due to the collective demand for our services. Whether you like to believe it or not, everyone slips, the question is does this have to happen on your premises and under YOUR watch? We’ll let you decide. Should you decide to make a smart investment, please contact us today?